Mittwoch, 23. November 2011

the cultural beyond oil publication launch...

bp bumm.... warmly start video regards
(crude oil on canvas with fireworks: 49,- Euro)

Next Takeover BP daub performance will take part at 29th of November in London.

(crude oil on canvas with fireworks costs 49,- Euro.)
I will bring the crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill to Platform at FREE WORLD CENTER and I paint with the real oil of Alabama, Mississippi or Florida from 2010 into the fresh publication.

Crude oil from the Gulf against BP ....
I fight against BP with theirs own pollution.
Crude Oil at a peace of Lituanian Wood 2011
(50,- Euro for each oil on wood)

You buy art - and Ruppe Koselleck will buy BP.
Stock by Stock I will hold all shares from BP in some years....

time to takeover, now

yours Ruppe Koselleck
You can buy a Petrol Dollar and I will buy new stock from BP. 15,- Euro per Petrodollar....please order at ruppe(ad)

or send direct to my studio
15 Pounds in an envelope at:

Ruppe Koselleck
Schulstrasse 43,
48149 Münster - Germany
I will send you One Petrodollar Batch back...

welcome to TAKEOVER BP
at facebook
or twitter
or youtube

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