Samstag, 17. Dezember 2022

Black and White Tears - installation by Emiliano Gironella Parra

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Emiliano Gironella Parra
 is currently showing an installation about a black and a white tear in front of the black night sky in the small building of the Berliner Kunstverein. 

Polly Pocket - a permanent visitor - stands aside and watches Emiliano Parra's tears and cracked glass eye.

If dark tears stand for false or mortal mourning, death and murder, the glued white tears appear as a semi-permeable light and fluid element against the sombre sky of inner despondency.

Installation view "Black and White Tears" by Emiliano Gironella Parra  
with HAUSGELB from Marvin Wunderlich on top of the expo room and a view to the TAKEOVER BP room...

It was not for nothing that Ruppe Koselleck, as curator of the exhibition, chose a location for Emiliano near the dark, crude and raw oil laboratory of Takeover BP in the studios of the Ateliergemeinschaft Schulstraße e.V.

The show can be seen until January 31, 2023 in the rooms of the BERLINER KUNSTVEREIN at Schulstraße 43 in 48149 Münster.

Visits and guided tours are possible by appointment.
Via email to ruppe(add)

Please also visit the video produced for those who can't make it...!
Please turn here .-).

I look forward to your visit, cordially you and yours

HAUSGELB by Marvin Wunderlich .-)....

Visit to the Parras Gallery in Mexico City - here with the exhibition

Special thanks go first and foremost to Emiliano Gironella Parra for his hospitality in his fantastic studio in Mexico City and for his willingness to take part in the BKV project both spontaneously and with commitment!

As always, we are very grateful to them
for providing the temporary exhibition space
with regards to Robert Porth....
LUCK ON and soon more....from the BKV as always on the way.

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