Mittwoch, 19. August 2009

Tweed Storry at Twitter from BPtakeovr

  1. now back in Germany in my studio. will paint more canvas with crude oil from gulf of mex. Cut a video at youtube. #bp #oilspill #bptakeovr
  2. finally she had a look at small crude oil paper painting. finished the drug and dynamite screaning and I can pass #bp #oilspill #bptakeovr
  3. after explaining my concept to takeovr bp with crude oil paintings, she asked if the black stuff is a drug? #bp #oilspill #bptakeovr
  4. they tested the black slippery oil from Long Beach. asked me, if it is dynamite? i explained takeover bp project.. #bp #oilspill #bptakeovr
  5. at customs clearance in New Orleans they were interest in my lugagge. what is the stuff in the ziplocs? crude oil?? #bptakeovr #oilspill #bp
  6. Now heading back to Burbon Street, New Orleans. #bptakeovr #oilspill #bp more info tomorrow at
  7. Millions of Mosquitos injust a handful tar on Grand Island, Louisianna. I finished last crude oil painting at beach. #bptakeovr #oilspill
  8. I will reach Grand Island to paint last canvas with crude oil. End of the takeovr bp tour. Sun goes down behind marsh. #bptakeovr #oilspill
  9. Venice is the southern/most point in Louisianna and I found nothing but oil industries, pipelines, birds. No Fresh oil #bptakeovr #oilspill
  10. Fishermen fished big fishes. It was hot and humid. Do not pick the Venice in louisianna for your honeymoon #bptakeovr #bp #oilspill
  11. Back to Louisianna I searched for oil in Venice. Coastline is behind the marshes and harbour seemed clean. #oilspill #bptakeovr #bp
  12. check new painting at swam in Pensacola. It was great. reached New Orleanes, LA #oilspill #bp #bptakeovr
  13. found tar pellets in Pensacola, Florida. painted at Gulf Island with slippery fresh and some ball of older oil. #oilspill #bp #bptakeovr
  14. At night sandsharks/ name of the cleaning mashines/ seeving the beaches next to our Hilton, Gulf Shore. #oilspill #bp #bptakeovr
  15. Just crossing into florida. Looking for tar at Pensacola beach. It is time to takeover bp. #bptakeovr #bp #oilspill
  16. Finished my 2. crude oil on canvas in Alabama. Further information at #oilspill #bp #bptakeovr #journchat
  17. Slippery oil slick at wildlife refuge next to Gulf Shore, Alabama. Bad for seaturtles - good for painting. #oilspill #bp #bptakeovr
  18. A dark hidden present from bp leeks underwater. Who is the next victim? Mississippi, Alabama? It's time to takeover bp. #bptakeovr #oilspill
  19. Dauphin island built sand mountains against oil spill. Nowbody knows what the next storm will bring to shore #oilspill #bptakeovr #bp
  20. Found tar balls in Dauphin Island, Alabama at West End with view of pelicans and oil rigs. #oilspill #bptakeovr #bp #journchat

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